Book and Lyrics by Kevin Murphy and Dan Studney
Music by Dan Studney
Directed by Spencer Liff
" If I’m not mistaken, there was also a much more subtle message built in, when the narrator talks about the ostensible framing device for what we’re seeing, as a New Deal-era, WPA-funded project designed to put actors to work. That aside may land with anyone in the industry who comes to see the show, who understands just how valuable it feels in this uncertain climate to see such a talented cast strut its stuff. That goes also for the work of the designers responsible for the set (Mark A. Dahl), enveloping speakeasy environment (Peter Wafer) and lighting (Matt Richter). Kudos, too, to music director David Lamoureux, who keeps the jumpin’ jive alive even as the doomed characters start to turn on, drop out and drop dead." Variety Review by Chris Willman